My friend Jen tagged me for some holiday questions. Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay,here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be a SCROOGE!!! Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Tag as many people as you want to....
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I am big fan of wrapping paper, but sometimes the item is a better fit for a lovely bag. I LOVE ribbon too - so a package coming from my house is never complete without some great ribbon tied in a knot or a simple bow.
2. Real tree or Artificial? I love the smell of real trees, but that wears off after a couple days and then the whole fire hazard thing scares me... so I will say artificial. I am dreaming of buying a old vintage aluminum tree, something about those trees is so kitschy and cool.
3. When do you put up the tree? Sadly, I haven't put up a tree since my days back in Cali. I know... I know... I need to get on that!
4. When do you take the tree down? I don't have to worry about it since I don't have one right now! But, otherwise I would always try to take it down before my birthday in January.
5. Do you like eggnog? I really like it, especially with Sailor Jerry's spiced rum - that'll warm you right up! We call that little concoction "Christmas Cheer" at our house!!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I think I am going to say my teal blue Beach Cruiser bicycle. I thought I was hot stuff riding around the ol' hood! I HAVE to dig up a picture, I think I am wearing my handpainted (puff paint days) pink sweatsuit. See I told you - HOT stuff for sure!
7. Hardest person to buy for? This year it's Mark - hands down. There are so many things that I really want to buy him, but they are car related and out of the budget this Christmas.
8. Easiest person to buy for? Hmmm...? Maybe my Grams - she is always so sweet about whatever you buy her. I think that's just a Grandma thing!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes... I believe so. I think it might still be at my parent's house. I think I need to check into that. My little sister and I used to fight over who got to put the baby Jesus in the nativity scene. It cracks me up today! The irony of fighting over our Lord and Savior - I think Jesus is laughing at us too! At least I hope he found it entertaining.....
10. Mail or email Christmas cards. I love mailing Christmas cards. I am slow this year. I think I will shoot for New Year's cards instead.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? That's a pretty hard question... I will have to think about that one.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? All-time faves are National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story. A recent favorite is Elf.
13. When do you start shopping? Around Thanksgiving or so. We have really tried to limit the "gifts" we give and really try to spend quality time with friends and family throughout the year. I much rather sit down with our friends and enjoy a meal and wine and laughter.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Pleading the 5th!
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? When we are at my parents we usually do something like cinnamon rolls and my Dad's famous "rationed" bacon. Seriously, we really give my Dad a hard time about rationing 3 pieces of bacon for each person. He likes to buy the bacon from the butcher, rather than the packaged and he always counts the people... yada- yada... hell hath no fury like my father finding out that SOMEONE ate four pieces.
16 color lights on tree? White. I love the sparkly golden color.
17. Favorite Christmas song? I am such a music person, so this is another hard question. I really start the season out loving all of the Christmas tunes and by the end - dreading them. Favorite? I would have to say Carol of the Bells - I remember as a child being fascinated by ALL of those words and thinking SOMEDAY I will learn how to sing ALL of those words...
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We usually travel, I long for the day that the family comes to Dallas for the holidays.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? All eight of them? Or course!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? There is a star on top of my imaginary tree
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Both, Christmas Eve and Day!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The traffic. I swear everyone becomes an amateur driver these days... what is it about the holidays?
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? I am feeling very sentimental lately and I really love the idea of all of my childhood ornaments.
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Who knows? People can cook (and drink) in my family - so they are all favorites!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I really just want to spend time with my family and friends. Oh and that really want that beautiful watch and red wool coat- (oops was that my outside voice?)
I made it through and you can too! I'm tagging Lainey and Kia and whoever else wants to play along! Just leave me a little comment so that I can go check out your answers...
Okay, I'm in. give me a while to get it up though.
(yes, mark, I did just type "give me a while to get it up")
P===I miss you!
I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!
Lainey - I miss you too! I want to come see your house all dressed up for the holidays! How can we go weeks without seeing one another when we live so close??
Whatcha' doin' this weekend? : )
fun, pam... now i know you're jealous of my aluminum tree :) ha! it was my great grandmother's and not missing a single branch...pretty crazy, but you definitely need one! merry christmas!
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