... you just need a S'more. The other night I thought it would be fun on my way home to pick up stuff to make S'mores. We have a gas stovetop at our house and I can roast a marshmallow like the best of 'em! Mark has never experienced "indoor S'mores" - so, I thought I should let him in on my skills. It was the best dessert ever. It took me back to my SoCal roots and bon-fires on the beach.... Ah, the good ol' days.

mmmmmm smores! I wanted to make some the other night but I dont have cool stove like you! That has CA written all over it!
i'm english and have no idea what a s'more is but they look yummmmmmmy! :)
mmmmm - I totally want some smores now!
Love the Carrie pack! It does remind me of her.
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